Do you see the finish line at the end of the year? Some of us may be running for it, while others are dancing and skipping. Regardless of how we get there, we can all attest it’s been a year like no other. As we head into the holiday season, we hope you have the chance to slow down, spend time with family, and reflect on all you’ve accomplished.
We’re so grateful for the loyalty of our customers, community, and staff through this challenging year. Now as we look to 2021, we see greener grass. Here’s what gets our lawn mowers rumbling for the new year:
- An improved landscape quality audit. Your insightful feedback helped us create a scorecard (which we share with you) that holds us accountable for the work we promise.
- Enhanced turf care. Our treatment and fertilizer vendor wasn’t meeting our expectations or yours. This new vendor will keep your turf healthy, lush, and weed-free—with no added cost to you.
- An expanded partnership with City of Refuge. We jumped at the chance to spruce up their new buildings with greenery and soon we’ll teach vocational landscaping classes to their residents.
- Continued support for our staff. Chaplain Tim has been a beacon of hope and strength as our Plant Nerds navigate these unprecedented times. We look forward to his continued spiritual guidance.
Thank you for being part of our Cumberland Landscape family. We wish you a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
The Plant Nerds